Technologie d’apprentissage

Links to learning technology resources

Teaching with Electronic Technology

Alliance numéric

Utilisation de la Technologie de l'information




Amélioration de la langue

Site consacré au français collégial. 

Atelier d'amélioration de la langue du Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique (Québec)

Carrefour Education, le portail Internet des enseignants du Québec (Télé-Québec, en collaboration avec le gouvernement du Québec et le Ministère de l'éducation, août 99)
Répertoire de ressources didactiques, informations sur les rencontres pédagogiques, aides tecnologiques et légales.

Projets scolaires mettant à profit les ressources du Web. 

Direction des ressources didactiques du Ministère de l'Éducation

L'Ecole branchée
Excellent répertoire de sites institutionnels et documentaires traitant d'éducation pour les professeurs (ancien "Infobourg"), les parents et les élèves.

Espace scientifique francophone (REFER)
Le site québécois pour l'enseignement supérieur et la recherche francophone. 

Le Français au secondaire (Diane Gagnon)
Répertoire de ressources Internet pour l'enseignement du français, langue maternelle. Ressources fle

Franco, la page francophone des universitaires pour la recherche pour la discussion pour les échanges inter-régionaux

Guide de conception pédagogique et graphique d'un site éducatif sur le réseau Internet (Université Laval)

Guide des meilleurs sites pour l'amélioration de la langue (Charles Gravel, CCDMD)

Office de la langue française

Petites écoles et classes multiprogrammes

Savoir Net, l'encyclopédie étudiante
Consultation et édition de travaux d'étudiants. 

Universités québécoises

Technologie et Education: la vitrine APO
Consultez l'ISEF ou l'Index des sites éducatifs de la francophonie qui regroupe plus de 500 sites éducatifs francophones, offre une banque de logiciels et partagiciels ainsi que d'autres ressources. 


Directory of World Wide Web Pages for Teachers and Students

Useful Webs for Economic Educators--
This section starts with several important links to general economics education resources. The remainder of the section has been subcategorized into the following sections. For lots more economics links, particularly to general economics data sources, visit our web page of Economics Information and Data.. For suggestions on how to use these web sites in your classroom, see the Teaching Ideas Page.

The links to useful economic education webs are organized as follows: 

General Economics Education Sites

• AIT's Economics at Work Forum.
Go to the "Forum" page for Assignment: The World, Economics at Work, Mathematics Is Elementary, and other great information. 

•Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 

Index to FRBSF Research Pages,

SF Federal Reserve FRBSF Economic Letter,
Ask Dr. Econ! from the Federal Reserve Banks.

•Money Management International

These resources are designed to provide educators with strategies for teaching personal finance education in the classroom. Includes lesson plans designed for use in grades 3 - 6. These lessons teach personal finance concepts through the use of children's trade books. A new lesson will appear every month.

• Study Tips for Economics

Department of Economics at the University of Melbourne provides on-line materials which will help you improve your learning skills. Some of the sites mentioned below have ideas which will help you make an easier transition from your school environment to a university environment. Some of them offer study tips for Economics in particular. 

• Business and Computer Science Materials for Middle School

A business and computer science site that lists assignments, lesson plans, handouts, notes, web resources, and over 200 student generated web projects on the web. Rod Hames, Crews Middle School. 

•ZAP Internet

Sections on Education, Business, Business News, Careers and Work, Investing Money and Finance, Online Investing

• Weiser--useful links to career and economic information

Career exploration and school-to-work, cooperatives, economic data, economic education, environmental economics, Federal Reserve, financial markets, international economics, news and entertainment, poverty, resources for economists, search engines, and K-12: links for teachers 

• Robert Dixon's site for teaching economics.

An excellent site for lots of links and leads about teaching K-12 economics! Also includes annotated lists of sites and resources, including Australian data and other information. 

• "Woodrow" web at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

All kinds of good ideas and curriculum materials for teaching economics! 

• Economic Education pages at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Tours, a quiz, other ideas for teaching economics! 

• Homework Central

lots of information about teaching economics (and also lots of ads). 

• Equilibria Chat

Richmond Federal Reserve site "Equilibria Chat" where economics teachers can ask questions, give answers, share ideas, spread news, and turn for help. 

• Video Conferencing and collaborative projects

This collection is the product of a collaborative teacher sharing project. A few of them are economics. Teachers who have been integrating video conferencing into the curriculum have contributed their ideas and suggestions. 

• The Economic Behavior of Children

A site devoted to the study of economic behavior of children, by Bill Harbaugh and Kate Krause. "We believe we can learn a great deal about the economic behavior of adults by studying the development of that behavior in children."

• Blue Squirrel's educational website

Website designed for educators at school and home. Blue Squirrel also has Homesite Educator, a new software suite designed to enable homeschooling

• The Kentucky Long-Term Policy Research Center State Budget Game

A State Budget Game for High School. Players are nominated to run for governor, receive a budget briefing from their advisors, choose a political platform to run on, and then, after the election, they must make taxing and spending decisions to balance the budget while keeping their campaign promises. Finally, players receive a political score for what they do. About Kentucky, but principles apply to your state, too. Download free by following the links from this address.

• Tutor 2000

Offers teachers and tutors the opportunity to post their resume for free on the Internet. Then, students browse the available tutors on this site and read about their educational and work background. If a student feels that a tutor on this database would be able to help them in any specific subject they can e-mail or phone the tutor to talk about potential tutoring arrangements.

• Social Science Gateway and Economics and Business Education Association (EBEA) from UK

EBEA represents teachers of economics, business, and related subjects in schools and colleges in the UK. The Web page seeks to enhance the mission of providing professional support in the classroom, and developing economics and business education within a broadly based curriculum. 

•Journal of Economic Education Web

This is the home page of the leading journal focusing on economic education. Along with information about submission and subscription, tables of content are provided to assist you to find the topic of interest. 

• Research in Economic Education Database

Searchable database for researchers in economic education maintained by William Walstad at the National Center for Research in Economic Education at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 


• Tramline Tours for Business Students

Every Tramline Tour takes you to a series of preselected Web pages that are related by topic. A separate window is used to describe what you're seeing or tell you what to do next. Several for business students, but many other tours also. 

•College Board AP Economics Information AP Examination Subject Index

The AP Program offers two separate examinations in economics: one in microeconomics and one in macroeconomics. The material on each examination is intended to correspond to at least one semester of college-level instruction. 

• North Hagerstown High School Website

A great example of a school website! 

• Education World

Education search engine sponsored by B.E.S.T. education search engine. 

• Yahoo Social Sciences and Economics Sections

Index and search engine for Economics pages of Yahoo. 

• "Classroom Connect" Information on How to Cite Internet Sources

If your students are using Internet sources of information in their work, they (and you) need to learn how to properly cite this material in their bibliographies.

° The Columbia Guide to Online Style

MLA Style Guide from Columbia University 

Macro Data; Government Budgets and Debt

See the Data&Info page for a complete listing of macroeconomic data sites.
• Economics statistics briefing room

Great source for quick up-to-date information. Grab the latest numbers before class! 

• Office of Management and Budget

• Government Budget Documents

• Federal Budget Java Site by Kowal Design

Contains a simple, neat, point-and-click presentation of the entire Federal budget. To explore the budget, click the button. When downloading is complete (buttons take a few minutes), explore choices to balance the Federal budget. Find solutions to reduce the National Debt. Learn how Federal budget dollars are spent on Education, Health Care, Defense, and the Environment. 

• On-line National Federal Budget Simulator--try your hand at balancing the budget

This is a creative and interactive page presented by UC-Berkeley's Center for Community Economic Research (CCER). A new on-line National Federal Budget Simulator lets anyone on the World Wide Web attempt to balance the budget. Your choices and the actual budget can be shown graphically also. 

• Concord Coalition on National Debt 

The Concord Coalition is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization dedicated to eliminating federal budget deficits and ensuring Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are secure for all generations. Has lots of information on the budget and debt. 

° Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) in the UK:

IFS Virtual Economy
At the heart of the UK Virtual Economy are sophisticated computer models which are very similar to those the Chancellor and his advisors use to prepare the Budget and to keep the economy on track. 

Money, Currencies, and Finance; International

• "Woodrow" web at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
All kinds of good ideas and curriculum materials for teaching economics! 

•Global Financial Data

Extensive, long-term historical indices on stock markets, interest rates, exchange rates and inflation rates. Database provides historical data on over 50 countries and goes back to the 1690s. Exchange rates of all national currencies are presented in terms of the U.S. dollar. You can also change the basis from the U.S. dollar to another currency of your choice. 

•Central Banking Resource Center 

The Internet's most complete directory of central bank sites from all over the world. For bankers, economists, academics, policymakers, regulators, financial journalists, consultants and others. In addition to central bank home pages, includes links to information about central banks. 

• Currency Project for Students (from Australia)

A currency comparison project for student participation from WimmeraNet in Australia. Compare what your currency will buy with what five Australian dollars will buy. 

• See these exchange rate currency converters:

Currency Converter

The Universal Currency Converter

Bloomberg Currency Converter

EconoFinance Currency Converter

At these Web sites the exchange rates of currencies are presented in terms of the currency you choose. 

• The World Game of Economics

Ronald W. Schuelke's educational economics software for students and educators which simulates the economic performance and policies of countries in the global economy. The object of the game is to be the best at selecting economic policies to maintain full employment, low inflation, and economic growth without excessive pollution (modestly priced). 

• Links to Educational Resources in Finance

This page references online finance courses, multimedia & software, downloadable slides, textbooks, bookstores, articles, simulators & games and information on publishers. From Ohio State University 

•Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

The CME is the first futures and options exchange on the World Wide Web. Here you can find daily settlement prices of all CME futures and options, marketing page with product information, educational programs, and more.

Stock Market Information

• Security APL Information on Stocks and Stock Quotes (15 minute delay)
Quoteserver provides free quotes (just type in the ticker symbol of the stock you are interested in). Also found here are investment tools and the current NASDAQ Composite Index data. 

• E*Trade

A leading online investment company. Also a good source for stock quotes, charts, and other stock market information. Although E*Trade is NOT a game, it also has a game with "play money" designed to show off their online investing. 

• Invest Smart

This page demonstrates the rewards of saving and investing in stocks. It has a section for educators with instructions on how to select stocks and how to set up a simulation stock market game for students using actual stock values. It has a real-life example to show you how to build a stock portfolio full of 2-, 4-, and 8-baggers. 

• Graphs of stocks

This site has nice graphs of price and volume of stock market outcomes. 

• Standard and Poor

S & P Personal Wealth Web Site 

• Crews Stock Market Simulation Game

Eighth grade students are asked to create an imaginary company and use several different software programs to complete realistic and challenging projects associated with their company. A complete course from Crews Middle School by Rod Hames. 

• Investment Challenge Stock Market Simulation

Investment Challenge is a realistic stock market simulation dedicated to enhancing investment education at the National level through interactive, online simulation. 

• Investment Direct

A guide to investment and financial resources on the web. 

• Edustock

Designed to teach young and old alike, what the stock market is, and how it can work for them. It includes tutorials on the stock market and how to pick good stocks. It also provides information on a select group of companies to help you start your research into what stock is going to make your fortune. Last of all, it provides a FREE 20 minute delayed Stock market simulation on the World Wide Web. Includes pages on how to examine company profiles and stock market simulations. Has a simulation that uses real-time accurate stock data (20 minutes delayed. 

Personal Finance, Consumer education, Math

• Wise Pockets
This colorful and artistic site is a great place for kids, parents, and teachers to learn about managing money. From the Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Education, University of Missouri-St. Louis.

• National Institute for Consumer Education

The National Institute for Consumer Education, from the College of Education at Eastern Michigan University, is a professional development center and resource clearinghouse in consumer, economic and personal finance education. The mission of NICE is to empower people through education to become informed consumers, reasoned decision makers and participating citizens in a global marketplace. This site has some very nice lessons on consumer issues, such as college financial aid, student budgets, saving for college education, etc.

• The Mint

This site includes everything your students need to know about money, including how it's made, how to spend it, and, most importantly, how to save it. Students can begin to understand their own roles in the economy, as well as read about common economic terms like inflation. In this high-tech era, the site serves students well by giving them ideas about becoming entrepreneurs. The quizzes offer excellent challenges, and the economic dictionary is a good study tool. An integrated web site designed for middle school and high school students, their teachers and parents.

• Investopedia

Investopedia is your complete, unbiased and easy to understand educational guide to investing and personal finance. The site includes the most comprehensive investing dictionary on the web as well as hundreds of tutorials and articles for stocks, bonds, mutual funds, options, investment strategies, IPOs, retirement plans, and much more.

• It All Adds Up

A very clever multimedia site teaching Personal Finance issues: credit card, buying a car, and more.

• Teen Price Index

Teen Price Index is intended as a resource for teachers to educate students about price indices and encourage schools to reach out and learn across the internet. Developed with Economics America, Cleveland Center through a grant from O.C.E.E. and Ameritech

• Financial Literacy

Tackling the financial illiteracy in our schools by providing teachers with the tools, training and support they need to do something about this major national problem. The core product of FL2001 is the "Basics of Saving and Investing", a multi-module teaching guide that is available both in print and online. 

• Kid's Consumer Corner (Also Math)

(Done by students) In the past, fiscal responsibility for kids meant making decisions to spend their allowances on comics or bubble gum. Now kids are some of the market's most important consumers and their fiscal responsibilities appear to be greater than ever. Have your students study up on basic calculations along with lessons on consumer prudence by visiting this hands-on site. papers. 

• Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy

Coalition’s direct objective is to encourage curriculum enrichment to insure that basic personal financial management skills are attained during the K-12 educational experience. 

• Consumer Education for Teens

This site is a special project for the Washington State Attorney General's Office. All of the information in this site was developed by teens, for teens. It is intended to help teenagers (a group commonly targeted by businesses and scam artists) become educated consumers, as well as giving them somewhere to turn if they have questions or get ripped off. 

• Investors' Guide: Personal Finance

Information on loans, credit, morgages, car buying, retirement, etc, and links to discussion groups on various related topics. 

• Banking on Kids

Showcases how simple it is to teach "banking concepts" to very young children by opening a bank within an elementary school. The cost of the program is meant to be cosponsored by a local financial institution. 

• The Finance Center

Features a fine collection of loan resources and provides calculation programs (eg "what will it take for you to become a millionaire?"), daily rate quotes, and advisory reports. Includes areas for car, home, and credit cards and answers lots of standard questions. 

• Personal Finance Library

Lots of information about things like IRAs, retirement planning, buying a car on the Internet, tips on helping kids save, etc. 

• Investor Protection Trust

Dedicated to non-commercial investor education. Many "how to" pages, section for young people, and a quiz on your IQ (Investment Quotient), ending with national survey results and discussion. 

• National Financial Services Personal Finance

National Financial Services Network Personal Finance has information about loans (home, car, education), consumer credit, insurance, securities, savings accounts, electronic banking, and personal Finance Software. Also searches for best rates by state. 

• Investment Glossary

Large and very comprehensive glossary of investor words. 

• US Securities and Exchange

What Every Investor Should Know (from the US Securites and Exchange Commission). 

• Yahoo Finance and Investment

Yahoo Finance and Investment References and Guides. 

• Kiplinger Online

Kiplinger Online calculators for financial decisions. Also see the Personal Finance page of articles

• Basics of Investing

A guide for educators from Nasdaq and NICE: financial decisions, how markets work, investment choices, etc. Also includes lessons for educators to use. 

• Small Business Entrepreneurs

The purpose of this web site is to provide would-be and start-up entrepreneurs with some handy tools and resources to make the task of planning and starting a small business easier. This site has also been designed for the purpose of promoting small business information and planning electronic guidebooks. 

• Consumer Utilities Handbook

While the handbook is geared toward electric, water, telephone, and gas utility customers, it contains practical home economics information useful to consumers. Topics include avoiding telephone scams such as slamming and cramming, reducing junk mail, deciphering utility bills, reading gas/electric/water meters, energy/water conservation, and more. Also offers a glossary of terms. 

•Using Personal Finance lessons (NCEE materials) to teach mathematics:

Keyed to K-2 math standards
Keyed to 3-5 math standards
Keyed to 6-8 math standards

Population and Places

• City.Net: International Guide to Communities around the World
City.Net is a comprehensive international guide to communities around the world. City.Net provides timely access to information on travel, entertainment, and local business, plus government and community services for all regions of the world. A great source for information about other countries and cities. 

• The CIA World Factbook

Follow the links to the CIA Factbook. The CIA Factbook is a wonderful source of information about the world's countries: their geography, people, government, economy, transportation, communications, and defense (by country). You can also get a GIF file of each country's flag. 

• Demographic Profiles of US States, Cities, Towns

Demographic Profiles of Cities and States are available for states, metro areas, counties, and cities. 

Environmental Economic Information

• EnviroLink, "the largest online environmental information resource on the planet."
• WWW Virtual Library -Environment

• United Nations Environment Programme.

• Webdirectory, "Earth's Biggest Environment Search Engine"

• Syllabi and Readings in Ecological Economics

• Larry Schankman's Environment and Ecology

• EarthIsland

• Environmental Economics Unit (Australia).

• Natural Resources Management and Policy.


• Environment/Fish and Wildlife Group.

• Environment Resources Management Association.

Government and Political

• Whitehouse Online
The White House Web site provides text of releases on economic policy, environmental policy, foreign affairs, jobs, healthcare, science and technology, and other current news items. The speeches of the president, proposed budget for 1996 are also on this site. 

• City.Net: International Guide to Communities around the World

City.Net is a comprehensive international guide to communities around the world. City.Net provides timely access to information on travel, entertainment, and local business, plus government and community services for all regions of the world. A great source for information about other countries and cities. 

• The CIA World Factbook

Follow the links to the CIA Factbook. The CIA Factbook is a wonderful source of information about the world's countries: their geography, people, government, economy, transportation, communications, and defense (by country). You can also get a GIF file of each country's flag. 

• THOMAS: Library of Congress Legislative Information on the Internet

The Library of Congress Web site provides the full text of legislation for House and Senate bills searchable by keywords or bill number, the full text of the Congressional Record, daily accounts of proceedings on House and Senate floors, and the text of How Our Laws Are Made by Edward F. Willett, Jr., House Law Revision Counsel. More generally, the Library of Congress Web pages also provide historical collections and descriptions of some of the Library’s special collections, and several exhibits. Also very useful is LOCIS, the Library of Congress Information System, which is searchable by keywords. 

• Presidential election pages for students.

Collection of links and a starting point for discussion on the candidates and on the electoral process itself. Links to political party campaign pages, etc. Lesson questions about election process. 

• American Enterprise Center

American Enterprise Center has just produced a teacher's kit entitled Free Enterprise Games. A video-based teacher's kit that teaches the American free enterprise system using games and team competition. ($195 for kit)

General Social Studies/History.

• Social Studies Curriculum
Descriptions of Social Studies Curriculum covering American History, World History, Government, Economics, Geography, Current Events, and Behavioral Sciences. 

•History of Money

Money - Past, Present & Future: Sources of Information on the History of Money, Contemporary Developments, and the Prospects for Electronic Money. 

•Great Economists and Their Times

Major Schools of Economic Theory. 

• History and Social Studies Web Site for K-12 Teachers

Sections with links for history, economics, geography, etc. 

•Ask the Professor

Professors who have done research in Economic History are volunteering to assist others interested in learning more about the field. If you have a question about economic history that you have been unable to answer through sources such as encyclopedias or other standard references, they will try to answer your question or to direct you to a useful source of information. 

•Open Directory of Economic History

Large index of links to social studies materials focusing on economic history content. 

•History of Money Museum

A virtual museum about money in civilization, from antiquity to the present. Very well done clever format. 

•American Currency Exhibit

Money hasn't always looked like it does today. Explore the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco's American Currency Exhibit online and watch history come alive as you step back in time to our nation's beginning. Learn how our country's rich history is closely tied with our currency. Discover the role the Federal Reserve has played--and continues to play--in that history. 

•Money Past and Present

Unabridged article from the numismatic catalog The Star Rare Coin Encyclopedia and Premium Catalog: An Elaborate Encyclopedia of the Coins of the World. Circa 1923, The Numismatic Company of Texas 

•Glossary of Economics Terms

•AmosWeb Glossary of Economics Terms

Provides definitions of most economics terms. 

•The Basics of Business History

Top 100 Events at a Glance. TSC's list of the top 100 U.S. business events, presented from most important to least. 

•How much is that worth today?

Comparing the purchasing power of money in the United States (or colonies)from 1720 to any other year including the present. Give your students a perspective on prices and purchasing power in the past. 

•Foundation for Teaching Economics

Economic Forces in American History programs are designed to show U.S. History teachers how to interpret and provide instruction on important historical events from the vantage point of market forces and economic analysis. Economic Forces in American History presents a refreshing perspective on our nation's past; teachers who attend these programs return to their classrooms able to teach their students about the power of economic forces in shaping American history. 

• History Learnin' and Teachin' link

Harris' history teaching page. 

• Social Science Resources HomePage

Social science resources and organizations in Nebraska and elsewhere from NE Department of Education. 

• National Council for the Social Studies-NCSS Online

NCSS Online features information and news for social studies educators in the United States and internationally. 

• Youth Enterprise Society (YES)

A school based, club movement that develops the entrepreneurial abilities of grades 9, 10 and 11 youth through a community based and action learning approach. Developed by EWET, South African non-profit. 

• World Lecture Hall, by subject, from UT-Austin

The World Lecture Hall (WLH) contains links to pages created by faculty worldwide who are using the Web to deliver class materials. For example, you will find course syllabi, assignments, lecture notes, exams, class calendars, multimedia textbooks, etc. 

• ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education

The ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education (ERIC/ChESS) is one of the 16 subject specialty clearinghouses in the ERIC system. ERIC/ChESS monitors issues about the teaching and learning of history, geography, civics, economics, and other subjects in the social studies/social sciences. 

Webs of General Interest to Educators--

• Einet Galaxy Social Sciences Educational Web(not working recently) 

Einet is a huge source for information on education, with topics such as curriculum and instruction, adult education, higher education, K12, history and philosophy, and much more. 

• The AskERIC Virtual Library

The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) is a national information system, supported by the U.S. Department of Education, with large quantities of information on a host of educational issues and topics. 

•Advance Educational Spectrums

A new Internet site that focuses on Workforce Development, SCANS Skills, School-to-Work, Skill Development software and training tools, Business-Education Partnerships, Training. Also links to some great Internet resources on training, skills,education, government, grant resources, etc. 

• National Council on Educational Technology, United Kingdom

NCET is a charity funded by the Department of Education in the United Kingdom whose mission is help teachers, lecturers. trainers and learners take advantage of technology. If you want to know more about using technology in education, the NCET pages could provide useful information about what has been done and what works. 

• UK Technology Education Centre

Interesting information, articles, and support for technology education. Focus is United Kingdom schools. 

• AskEric

A personalized Internet-based service providing education information to teachers, librarians, counselors, administrators, parents, and others throughout the United States and the World. 

• Department of Education

Learn about the programs, people, publications, and funding opportunities from the Department of Education. 

• The Smithsonian Institute

Information from the U.S. treasure house of museums. 

• Web66: Learn to Create a Web Page, and much more

Web66, a name meant to conjure up Route 66 and its role as an artery linking the nation, is full of information for K12 schools, "a highway fashioned from vision and ingenuity." The goals of this project are to help K12 educators learn how to set up their Internet servers, to link Web servers and educators and students, and to help K12 educators find and use appropriate Web resources. As a wonderful bonus, Web66 has the oldest and most comprehensive list of K12 Web servers on the Internet. See what others are doing! 

• AskEric (replaces gopher link) Lesson Plans

You will find lesson plans for social studies topics here. Use the search to help, for example "economics" and "lessons". 

Creating Course Materials (Including HTML Tricks)

Jensen & Sandlin Survey of High End Courseware Shells and Authoring Software
Includes a five-year archive on Jakob Nielsen's bi-weekly column on Web usability (including summaries of common design flaws in personal and corporate web sites) at
Mellon Technology Project

Share Carolina - UNC-CH (Free Internet Tools)

The Academic Technology Specialists Web Space
AHDS: Scholars' Information Requirements in a Digital Age

Beginning WebCT

Drummond's Inter-Frame Navigation
Gartner Interactive Home

Lessons from Business School Web Sites

Mainframe (Inter-Frame Navigation)

NCSA--A Beginner's Guide to HTML Home Page

PC Computing's 1,001 Best Internet Tips

The Castle Home Page

MicroVision Development - HRML Helpers, Clip Art

Web Course in a Box

Macromedia - Pathware
Welcome to CyberClass

WBT Systems (TopClass)

Common Web Page Mistakes

So You Want An Explorer Scrolling Marquee, Huh?


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